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Genomics Interest

This post originally appeared on the Data Carpentry website

Last month, we announced an upcoming revamp for the Data Carpentry Genomics lessons and asked you to let us know how you would like to be involved. We’ve had a tremendous amount of interest from the community, with 78 people indicating their enthusiasm for being a part of this effort.

Twenty-nine people volunteered to serve as Maintainers for the Genomics lessons. You will all be receiving an email shortly with more information about this role. Welcome to the Maintainer team!

Twenty-nine people also volunteered to be on the Curriculum Committee. This group is responsible for providing oversight, vision and leadership for the Genomics curriculum as a whole. We will be selecting ten people to serve on this committee. These people will represent a diversity of career stages, teaching experience, and genomics focuses. If you expressed interest in serving on this committee please watch for an email about this shortly!

A number of people expressed interest in contributing to the Genomics lessons. We will be organizing an Issue Bonanza and Bug BBQ for August/September. Please stay tuned for more information about this. You are also, of course, invited to contribute to lesson development outside of these events. We’re cleaning up the repositories in preparation for community contributions so those will be available for new contributions next week!

Almost everyone who responded was interested in hosting or teaching a Genomics workshop. Workshops are already being taught using the current versions of the lessons and updated lessons will be available for teaching in September. Put in your workshop request or register for a Self-Organised workshop now!

Thanks to everyone for your interest. It’s great to see so many people passionate about training people in the skills for working effectively and reproducibly with genomic data.