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Launching The Carpentries Website

We are excited to announce that The Carpentries website is now live!

The new website celebrates our merged identity as The Carpentries.

The new website will give you access to all things ‘Carpentries’, in other words, it will give you easy access to what is common information across the merged organization. The sorts of things you will find there include information about instructor training and assessment, a range of shared policies, including our privacy policy, details of staffing and project governance, and a whole lot more.

The existing Data and Software Carpentry sites will remain in place alongside the new site. Since Data Carpentry and Software Carpentry are ongoing lesson organizations, information related to lessons belongs on those individual sites. We will gradually take down material that is now more logically based on The Carpentries website.

You may notice that a lot of the links on The Carpentries transfer you directly to The Carpentries Handbook that we launched last week. It has been enthusiastically received by our community.

The aim of The Carpentries Handbook is to provide a one-stop shop for people wanting all kinds of Carpentries-related information. Information is being added and updated all the time so please let us know if there is something missing. The Handbook and the website will complement each other to cover all things Carpentries.

Please let us know if there are errors or omissions on our new website. You can raise an issue about the website on GitHub, or about the Handbook on GitHub.

The launch of the new website completes our transition to a new, merged, online identity as The Carpentries. Increasingly we will blog as The Carpentries, rather than as Software or Data Carpentry, so be sure to check out our new blog.

We also have our new merged Twitter feed. Follow The Carpentries on Twitter.