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Lesson programs' blog posts migration

As of today, blog posts will no longer appear on the three lesson program websites. All blog posts that were on the Software Carpentry, Data Carpentry, and Library Carpentry websites are now merged with the blog posts at The Carpentries blog.

In addition to this change, you will also see a pagination feature at the bottom of the list of blog posts to cycle through the list of posts. Also, you will see a new sidebar that lets you view the entire blog archive or browse posts by author or browse posts by tag.

Lastly, in addition to any other tag/s a blog post may have had originally, all migrated posts are now tagged with the name of their lesson program, i.e. “Data Carpentry” or “Library Carpentry” or “Software Carpentry”. Moreover, just below the title of each migrated blog post there is a note that reads, ‘This post originally appeared on the [relevant lesson program] website.’ Check out, for example, this post on Challenges Assessing Data Science illustrating these changes.


Over the years, we have been on a journey towards consolidating our lesson programs and our resources under one, unified, identity as The Carpentries. As we continue to move towards our planned transition out of fiscal sponsorship to operate as an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organisation, this consolidation will only increase in importance. The migration of the blog posts from the different lesson program websites to The Carpenetries blog is one step towards the realisation of this goal.